Get Project By Project Id

You can also hit the get project endpoint to get the response. Refer to the Get Project Page.

Webhook Response

When Quickreel completes processing your request, it sends a webhook response to the URL specified in the webhookUrl parameter. Below is an example of the response you will receive:

  "projectId": "676409ad10ded0f9fc89d224",
  "status": "completed",
  "createdAt": "2024-12-19T11:55:25.602Z",
  "completedAt": "2024-12-19T14:22:35.533Z",
  "error": null,
  "outputs": [
      "id": "67640a41df9247bc89de7813",
      "audioUrl": ""

Response Attributes:

  • projectId: The unique identifier of the project.
  • status: The status of the project.
  • createdAt: The date and time the request was created.
  • completedAt: The date and time the project was completed.
  • error: Any error information if applicable.
  • outputs: An array containing details of each output.
    • id: The unique identifier of the output.
    • audioUrl: The URL to access the audio.

Note on Response Handling:

You will have to send a 200 status code immediately after receiving the response.

If you want more details on handling webhook responses, refer to the Webhook Handling Page in the documentation.